Start to cheer

Do you have a group of girls and/or boys together who want to learn cheerleading, but no team around yet? Do you want to know what motions and jumps are? Are you curious how stunts are created or how a pyramid works? Do you feel like starting up a team in your neighborhood?

Then this private coaching is something for you.

During this active workshop, given by an experienced coach, all basic elements of cheerleading will be explained, namely: motions, jumps, body positions, safety, stunts and pyramid. If desired, there can also be a short introduction about the evolution of cheerleading in Belgium, or you can get some concrete tips to start a team yourself.

For whom? Beginners without knowledge of cheerleading
What do you need to provide: a room with a high enough ceiling (minimum 4,5 meter) and mats
Duration: 3 hours

  • 2 coaches/group: 300€ + travel costs (ACV: 0,41€/km)

Interested? Email

Initiation schools/events/team building

Are you looking for a new sport to offer on a field day or event? Or do you want to surprise your co-workers with a teambuilding activity? Then we are happy to come to you! During this 2-hour workshop, the basic elements of cheerleading will be offered in a sportive and amusing way. Participants will get a taste of what cheerleading is all about. Everything will be taught in a safe manner so everyone can go home in one piece.

For whom? Schools and companies
What do you need to provide: room with sufficiently high ceiling (minimum 4.5 meters) and mats
Duration: 2 hours (but can be adapted in function of the needs of the school/organization)
Price: request a price quotation via


Are you a starting team and would like to make progress in the early years? Do you have certain goals you'd like to achieve, but don't know how to get started? Do you want to learn a certain stunt? Do you want your tosses to get better? Then this private coaching is definitely for you! In consultation with you and the BCF coach, we will look at what we can work towards. The goal of the training will be determined entirely by you.

For whom? For level 0-3 teams. Peewee, junior and senior.
Duration: 3 hours (but can be adapted in function of team needs)
What do you need to provide: room with high enough ceiling (minimum 4.5 meters) and mats

  • 1 coach/group of 20 persons: 210€ + travel costs (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 2 coaches/group of 20-40 persons: 340€ + travel costs (ACV: 0,41€/km)

Interested? Email


Would you like to learn new techniques? Do you want to work on finishing and progressing in your skills? Or would you like someone from the outside to work with your athletes? Then this private coaching is something for you. During a 3-hour training session you will work together with the BCF coach on the predetermined goals.

For whom? For level 4-5 teams. Junior and senior.
Duration: 3 hours (but can be adapted in function of team needs)

  • 1 coach/group of 20 persons: 80€ per hour + travel costs (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 2 coaches/group of 20-40 persons: 120€ per hour + travel costs (ACV: 0,41€/km)

Interested? Email

Routine creation or clean-up

Do you need help creating your routine? Do you want someone to work on additional transitions/choreography? Or would you like someone from outside to work with your athletes to make the routine more masterful or clean? We can help you with this!

The duration and content of this training will be agreed in consultation with you and the BCF coach - we are happy to adapt to the needs of you and your team!

For whom? For level 1-5 teams. Peewee, junior and senior.
Duration: to be discussed
Price? To be discuss

Interested? Email

Stuntclass partnerstunt/groupstunt

Are you tired of analyzing yourself on video? Do you think all the videos on social media look so cool, but you don't know how to start? Do you like partner stunts or group stunts, but would like to get feedback from someone with experience in the discipline, then these classes are for you! During the training, you will work on predetermined goals or if necessary, the BCF coach can also set up goals. The golden tips of the coach can make sure that you will reach your goal a lot faster.

For whom? For every partner stunt duo or group stunt.
Price stuntclass partner stunt:

  • 1on2: 1 coach for 1 partner stunt duo: 45€/hour + travel allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 1on4: 1 coach for 2 partner stunt duos: 70€/h + relocation allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 1on6: 1 coach for 3 partner stunt duos: 80€/h + relocation allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 1on8: 1 coach for 4 partner stunt duos: 90€/h + relocation allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)

*At least 1.5 hours of coaching

Price stuntclass Groupstunt:

  • 1 on 3 or 4: 1 coach for 1 twobased/group stunt: 70€/h + relocation allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)
  • 1 on 6 or 8: 1 coach for 2 twobased/groupstunts: 90€/h + travel allowance (ACV: 0,41€/km)

*At least 1.5 hours of coaching

Interested? Email